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Fr. Frank Pavone, MEV

National Director, Priests for Life
President, National Pro-life Religious Council
Pastoral Director, Rachel's Vineyard
Founder and Moderator General, Missionaries of the Gospel of Life

Fr. Frank Pavone is one of the most prominent pro-life leaders in the nation. He was born in Port Chester, New York and has been active in the pro-life movement since 1976. Cardinal John O'Connor ordained him to the priesthood in 1988. Fr. Pavone did parish work and taught in seminaries. In 1993, with the permission of Cardinal O’Connor, he became National Director of Priests for Life. In this full time position, he has traveled to all of the 50 states and to five continents, preaching and teaching against abortion and helping other priests to do the same.

He conducts seminars on pro-life strategy and is regularly invited to speak at national and international pro-life gatherings. Fr. Pavone appears often on national programs such as Larry King Live, Good Morning America, The O'Reilly Factor, and other shows on all the major networks. He is quoted in papers such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. He is seen daily on EWTN and heard on Vatican Radio. His publications are distributed worldwide. He was with Terri Schiavo in her final moments and was an outspoken advocate for her life.

Here's one of his lecture series:

Abortion: As Seen Through the Eyes of a Priest

Fr. Frank Pavone

Name of Talk (Click to Listen in Real Audio)

MP3 Format

Approx. Length

Click to Download
Real Audio

Approx. Download Time

Clergy Respond to Abortion Part 1: [listen] [download]

Part 2: [listen] [download]

51 minutes Part 1 (1.21 MB)

Part 2 (787 K)



Why Scripture Says "No" to Abortion Part 1: [listen] [download]

Part 2: [listen] [download]

62 minutes Part 1 (1.17 MB)

Part 2 (1.18 MB)



Everyone Can Help End Abortion Part 1: [listen] [download]

Part 2: [listen] [download]

62 minutes Part 1 (1.22 MB)

Part 2 (1.18 MB)



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